Monday, January 29, 2007

I hope my horoscope is true this week

I think we all have figured out by this point in time that when Shannon is left to her own devices for four days of unstructured time, things get a little out of hand. Absinthe drinking, three guys and me in a twin size bed, 5am Irish jig dancing, and of course the lost passport—which was underneath my bed the whole time. I guess I learned a valuable lesson, never invite three Irish men back to your dorm room for some after hour absinthe drinks.

This weekend took quite the toll on me, so much, that as I was waiting for my teammates outside of Merton College, hunched over in my hoodie with my hands in my face, that some man passes me and tells me, “Such a pity you have no money.”

Excuse me?

Oh yea, that’s right. He thought I was homeless.

“Uhm,” I laugh, “I’m actually just waiting for my friends.”

“Oh, well I would have bought you a cup of coffee.”

Exactly. Because, when I look like crap, I really look like crap.

Perhaps looking so rough that a pedestrian thought I was homeless should have told me that maybe today was not the day to revaluate my commitment to the rugby team. That perhaps, eating a big breakfast really wasn’t such a good idea, before heading off to practice on some fields that are a twenty minute walk away from my dorm, and a ten minute walk into town—with no bathroom available.

Having stomach problems, I leave practice early in search of a toilet since the bathrooms at the field were closed. I walk into a house turned into a neighborhood pub, and very meekly ask the bartender if I could use her bathroom—dressed in dirty sweats, and caked mud all of my hands (it was tackling practice today). She points in a vague direction, and I walk towards the back, and head up the stairs, where I am greeted by a large dog barking. Seems that the upstairs of the pub is their home, and I took a wrong turn.

She redirects me towards the bathroom, in the opposite corner from the staircase to her home. Now this is where it is an embarrassing moment. See, I had the post drunking shits, the loud, slightly disgusting kind. I stopped into this bar during prime Sunday Roast time, the English’s answer to the New Yorker’s brunch, where they are serving food. A lot of it.

The bathroom, only has one door, and it is right next to the dining area, no small hall way to act as a sound and smell buffer, no series of doors to act as an e-coli proof cell. No barriers.

I have to admit, that I almost decided to try another bar, but I was so desperate for a toilet, that I put my sense of shame on hold and took up residence in the bathroom for about fifteen minutes.

A very violent and noisy fifteen minutes.

They had to hear me, especially since the bathroom was in the middle of the seating area.

When I got out, I tried to fix my hair, wash my hands, make it look like that I really did not just spend fifteen minutes fighting a war with my bowels—when in fact that is what I really did.

As I was leaving I faked smiled, and ran out of the bar, only to put my cell phone to my ear and call my mommy as a distraction from my embarrassment.

Thank God the toilet flushed.

And in other news, since it looks like it is taking the college to process my student loan checks, and I drank all of my safety money, looks like I am re-master cleansing. Saving money, and losing weight! Well, and I’ll treat myself on game days to 1 quid kosher lunch on George St. Yes I know it is wrong pretending that I keep kosher for heavily subsidized lunch, and I know that I am going to hell for bringing my gentile poor student friends, but dude, 1 pound lunch! I mean, how could I not share the wealth?

But in other news, I know my posting has been erratic and crappy when I do post. First of all, as you know, this isn’t a forum for my pontifications—the school newspaper is now—but instead a way for me to let my friends know how I am doing, and tell them what life is like for a student at Oxford.

Seasonal depression has hit me once again, with me laying in my bed watching bad bootlegged movies on the internet, not doing any of my work that’s piled up, floating by because that is what I know what to do best. Hence why I have been MIA returning emails (sorry Corn), calling people, and all that fun stuff—I just can’t leave my bed. You know its bad when you are watching the Mighty Ducks and cheering on Coach Bombay. Hopefully the Master Cleanse will knock out the toxins, and fasting will create the high that helps me deal with the lack of sunshine.

This time, sans ciggs.

Try running around a rugby pitch then tackling with smokers lungs.

And I am back to reading my one book a week resolution. This week, Tropic of Cancer.

It’s so frustrating not having complete anonymity on this thing, because I really want to write about my weekend and pontificate why I am a perpetually single girl, but, it looks like it will have to wait a bit—it is far too personal for people at college to know what a relationship fuck up I really am.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tea and Marriage

I fucking have to stop drinking like seven cups of tea a day, or else I will not be sleeping at all this term. It’s just that this is so good—especially on a cold winter’s day, when my only makeshift winter coat is lost (forgot it in a bar, probably another reason to stop drinking) and I had to trudge through the cold that enabled snow in an unlined leather jacket. Luckily I still kept my wool sweater from first year of college, hoping that I would one day fit back into it. And in my better late than never habits, it only took me five years to drop the freshman thirty.

I celebrated by going shopping in NYC when I was there. Which, I will get to, eventually. As I mentioned, I have that nasty habit of no self-discipline and a ‘better late than never attitude’, hence why I write this at almost 2am, as the reading for my course on family sits unmarked on my nightstand. Oh, by the way ladies, if you ever want to feel even more cynical about love, sex, and relationships, study familial structure. I’ve resigned myself to auctioning off my domestic labor power to the highest bidder. As a woman, I’m fucked. I might as well be comfortable as I get the shaft from society.

It seems that so far 2007/ my twenty-fifth year on this earth has been fraught with situations that make me acknowledge my ‘maturation’, and get my head out of the sands of denial that the grown up bus is flying by. Weddings, a grad program that I can’t talk my way out of failure (I may be kicked out if I don’t pass stats—please say a silent prayer for me), in addition to cutting down on the excess—drinking, partying, my lack of self-discipline, and all the other shortcomings I need to overcome with the help of my therapist. Who has given up on me, by the way. Shannon, these services aren’t for long term therapy.” And my favorite, “For someone who is so self-aware..” I interrupt her, “I keep on making the same mistakes, over and over again. Yes, I know this. Why do you think I continue to see you?”

I’ve noticed an interesting shifts in my relationships ever since I left the women’s commune. Back in school, and growing up all of my friends were females. Granted they were beer guzzling, girl-kissing, pranksters who got as much of a kick out of lighting a fart on fire (Spring Break—Vegas), as knocking on each other’s doors when we knew someone was having sex (again, Lauren I am really sorry about that). But then I noticed a change when I left the iron gates of wimmen power—women for the most part are bitches. Back stabey, drop you for their boyfriend, say that you look pretty when you look like crap, who whine. This is when I began my foray into amateur fag enabling, and building my rolodex with those in possession of y-chromosomes.

These were my platonic friends, and I was their little sister. They bought me beers, protected me from skeevy men in bars, and cheered me on when I danced on bars, and in exchange I offered them a female perspective to their gal/boy problems, and playfully flirted with them when their gfriend/bfriend was being an ass.

Symbiotic relationship.

Until they got married.

I have a very good friend of mine who wants to visit me in England. I really like this kid. He is smart, funny, and adorably lovable in that dorky ‘save me’ kind of way. To put it diplomatically because I know he reads it and think his wife may read it too, she and I have a strained relationship. She thinks I am trying to steal her husband, when all I want to do is hang out with him, without her.

Whether girls want to admit it, your boyfriend/husband is different hanging out with his friends than you. He is more liberal with the off-color jokes, has a propensity to drink a bit more than usual, and tends to be a lot more honest, especially when talking about you. Often times I’ve been subjected to seeing my friends leashed by the constraints of their girlfriends/boyfriends, toning down their behavior, keeping conversation neutral, and forgetting the people that made me want to be friends with them in the beginning.

So my point—I think I just needed to rant. Part of my frustration fuelled that I missed the relationship boat here, and everyone has coupled off and I am (literally) the only person in my flat who doesn’t have a boyfriend. Or maybe it is the prospect of spending an entire weekend with a person not because I want to, but because of the symbolism of the ring that sits on the third finger of one of my good friend’s left hand. Or maybe, I am just grasping for straws, since I am too lazy to be help accountable to my memory and recant the rest of my time in New York—complete with the $1000+ bar tab (thanks Geoff for sharing your bonus with my me and my friends!) and a promise to buy a drug dealer Freakonomic next time I saw him.

But those stories will have to wait. When I am more mentally adept, and haven’t had the productivity bored our of me. Try reading a few thousand pages about cross-national studies on fertility rates and its impact on women’s work, by the same three authors and then get back to me. Instead of being mature and tackling my work, knocking the shit out—I’ve reverted back to my escapist ways, and spent the last few hours of the evening dancing around my room in my hot pants listening to Madonna and watching bootlegged movies off of the internet. While I look at the unread journal articles whose pages still have not been turned yet.

And don’t bother writing in my comment box that you are frustrated by my immature behavior, and how I am blowing an opportunity. I know this. But, at least I’m squandering it away sober, instead of drunk like I did last term. See, therapy is helping!

Oh and if any women executives (presently or former) are reading this who have families, and you live in the NYC area, please email me. I am recruiting women for my thesis which examines women’s participation (or lack there of) in the labor market after having a family. Which reminds me, I need to get the ball rolling on that one.

Off to watch some more bootleg movies. I think it’s Men In Black II tonight.

I seriously need to lay off of the tea after 9pm, and/or find the motivation to do my work.

Monday, January 22, 2007

And again...

I am not a very smart person. If I know partying makes me feel like shit, kills my mood, and keeps me bedridden for days on end, why can't I ever just say no?

Got back in from a weekend in London where master cleansing was replaced by testing the functionality of my liver--by using Guiness and wine.

Off to do the reading that I've neglected, and finish off the Chinese food I ordered in. When did drinking make me feel this bad?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sneaking a moment

Ah, the begining of term...Since my department was late in handing out the syllabus for my classes, I've had to cram about 1000 pages of readings into three days (with copious notes taken for about a third of those), an essay due on Friday, as well as a graded assignment for my course due on Friday.

I haven't even had time to go to rugby.

When I tell you that I have been working all day and night, I am not kidding--hours slept last night 4. And I am still not done. Sleep is a luxury at the moment.

By this weekend everything will have calmed down a bit, until then, if you are bored at work, read my old blog (which I think is so much better by the way)

I am going to shower right now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am fucked, but not in that good way

This little entry is called ‘Why Bright Kids Fail’, an homage of sorts to the popular book that explains just because a kid doesn’t do their work, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are dumb. Actually, quite the contrary—it could mean that they are bored by it.

I have a stats exam in about twenty-four hours, where I need to teach myself an entire term’s worth of statistical knowledge. Last night, I sat and watched bootlegged movies off of the Internet until 6am (God Bless jetlag), then proceeded to sleep until 2pm, and now am glancing over my stats book, saddened that I have to read the entire thing tonight. So much for getting a bulk of my studies done early, so I may have the remaining time to ask questions.

But come on people, it’s not like I am aiming for a perfect score here. I just need to pass.

You know, in high school and college, since my career path was so fuzzy and I didn’t believe I had any discernable talents—besides having men pay for shit—I threw myself into my studies. Afraid that if I fucked up, I would somehow end up on LI, living with a boyfriend who beat me, and a 1983 Cutlass Supreme sitting in my driveway. But, this little revelation I had over break—how I really just want to write, or maybe become an executive assistant—and knowledge that in the real world, if you are too smart, people would never want to hire you. Yea for omitting I went to Oxford when I apply for said Executive Assistant jobs—come on, do you really think that a finance boy could deal that his secretary went to a more prestigious school than he?

After working for years in advertising, market research, even a fashion showroom, I learned that my intelligence is a liability. When you interview for positions, nobody is going to ask me what my GPA is from Oxford, and to be perfectly honest, I would rather wallow in my bed, watching tv and planning the latest adventure to New Orleans.

It’s just in the grand scheme of things, I know I will never have to understand statistical analysis every again. I just want a cushy magazine job, and a book deal. And maybe a nice Jewish boy with an abnormally large penis, and an abnormally large bank account to match, British accent optional on this one.

So, yes. I know I fucked myself. I know I am possibly going to fail. But to be perfectly honest, I just don’t fucking care. Especially since I know what my strengths are, and how my grades in the everything else will prove that I am a good student—just one who is lazy and not mathematically inclined. Off to shower, and attack statistics.

But first, let me have this nap.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wow, I really am feeling 25

I’m sitting here in my bed severely hungover from last night’s ‘Freedom Fesitval’—a friend’s celebration of newfound singlehood and my re-commitment to getting laid at Oxford this term. Of course the festival takes place at a Gay Club, Baby Love, where I quickly learn that I no longer am the queen on the pole. I was either too drunk to pole dance or that I am seriously losing my powers, I think my shoulder muscles atrophied over my break to NYC.

Last night was a special evening, and just highlighted just how I should not be left to my own devices when I commit myself to ‘fun’—drinking four martinis at the pre-game bar, and then chugging absolute vanilla and diet cokes in between bathroom breaks to puke. I hit on the openly gay theologian at my college, who has a fetish for undergrad gay boys by the way—obviously a big breasted NYC gal just ain’t is type, by telling him that “It’s a pity your gay. You make a lot of the gals at college wish you batted for the other team.” But, in my defense, he is fucking hot. Forty something, graying hair, and a crisp British accent. And the fact that he is gay, maybe he is better in bed than his heterosexual counterparts.

Now, this behavior shouldn’t be too surprising, I mean, look at the name of this blog. But I have to say, that I am slightly ashamed of my antics, especially since I was supposed to stay in bed, read my Patterson novel, nurse the earache that has left me slightly bedridden, and be up early this morning for my doctors appointment so I could go on anti-biotics.

I didn’t make it to the doctor’s appointment at 11:30am. Actually, I didn’t even wake up until 1:30pm—just in time to walk into my review session for my exam on Friday—and then promptly walk out because I thought I was going to passout. Plus, reeking of booze, ciggs, and the stale breath that accompanies the aftermath of a night out didn’t really bode well for my teacher’s opinion of me. So much for my New Year’s commitment to take my studies seriously.

So, I’m hanging out in my bed, chugging OJ, just finishing up a pizza, getting ready for bed in a few because I really am sick and need all of my strength to teach myself an entire term’s worth of statistics by Friday at 2:30pm. Wish me luck.

Too bad I can’t flirt my way for a grade. Fucking A.

But, for the real reason you are reading, you want to know about my antics in NYC.

I have to admit, as much as I put down NYC, and said how much I couldn’t wait to get the fuck out, I was so excited to head back. First of all, home means being able to afford clothes, good food, and spa treatments. It also means sex. And, I was beginning to miss my family. I have never been away from them for more than three months, and Christmas was almost hitting the three month mark.

Flying on Christmas is an interesting experience. You have two types of airline employees that day. The first type are angry and miserable that they have to work, and the second type acknowledge it sucks to have to work, but make up for it with a jovial attitude and find camaraderie with their fellow employees who are stuck in the same shitty situation.

I got to the airport a bit early because I was trying to make a flight that was two hours earlier, so I could have some semblance of a Christmas with my family. The first guy who I spoke to at the ticketing counter was of the first school of having to work on Christmas. The asshole told me that I would have to rebuy a new ticket and treated me with disdain.

He was an asshole and I wished him coal in his stocking and that he catches mesothelioma from that coal.

When I went to check-in, I got this really sweet kid who asked me if I would like to get onto the earlier flight.

Now, this is Christmas in action!

He was nice, I prayed to God that he receives many blessings in the New Year.

As we’re taxiing to the runway, which means we had been cleared for take off, a flight attendant asks if there is a medical doctor on board.

After she made the announcement, we are no longer taxing.

And since this is Christmas, the entire plane is filled with Jews, and many hands shoot into the air.

They stop the plane, and attend to this woman who, I think, was just feeling feverish. The paramedics come on board, and the flight attendant announces that we are waiting for her to decide if she is well enough to fly.

My attitude, if you are well enough to make it to the airport, and onto the airplane, then you are well enough to sit in your seat for seven hours drinking screwdrivers and watching bad movies.

But, evidently, this woman didn’t agree with my rugged individualist theory. She asked to be removed from the airplane.

However, in the age of terrorism, you cannot just take someone off of the airplane without an investigation of sorts. After she was removed, airport security came onto the plane to check it and see if she left a bomb or something.

Which, since I am writing this, she didn’t.

And of course, I arrive into NYC only half an hour before I was originally supposed to.

My brother picks me up and takes me to Long Island, where our Christmas was relatively civil. This is not surprising since my mother didn’t get me any of her signature offensive gifts, such as a girdle.

Besides my friend Lauren coming in and surprising me for my bday, and contrary to the karmic stock I have with Bacchus, my birthday was terribly lame. I can’t drink like I used to. After having a boozy lunch at the Gramercy Tavern where our table conversation bordered on offending several of the surrounding tables, I was too tired and hungover to truly enjoy the co-birthday dinner a few hours later. Despite the many glasses of sangria, my heart just wasn’t into it. Instead of joining my friends at Henrietta Hudsons after dinner to relive the bygone days of our dabbles into bisexuality, Lauren and I found ourselves inside my friend’s apartment, watching tv and teasing him about a threesome that wouldn’t happen. Despite the shirt that came off, and accompanying back massage.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Absence and Make Good

Ok, I know I've been quiet lately. Vacation, running around NYC, and getting drunk has kept this gal away from the computer.

Just landed back "home", and am running out for lunch and social secretary meetings. Ugh.

Will bring you all up to speed about my drinking and drugging ways in NYC--God I miss home right now.

much love,

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Prague Part Deux

I know it’s been a while since I last brought you all up to speed. From the moment I landed in NYC, it’s been non-stop glad handing, drinks, dinners, and wallowing in misery forgetting how bad the post-party come downs really are. All I have to say is, thank God for General Tso’s chicken. I’m too much of a pussy to dip into the Xanax that is reserved to combat my fear of flying, hence, I had to deal with the come-downs the old fashion way, force feeding myself Chinese food, and watching very bad movies.

I know I owe you my New Year’s resolutions properly written out, the Prague story, and of course, a play by play description of my bday and NYE fetes. As I’m in blogger backlog right now, and with a stats assignment looming overhead, we are going to have to take this slow:

Prague Part Deux:

I’ve never understood the point of moderation. Perhaps this explains why I’m partaking in the master cleanse a second time in less than a month, and how I ended up partying until 9am on New Year’s day, and possibly can offer insight into how I woke up in a twin size bed in a youth hostel across town, on my second day in Prague. And no readers, for reasons explained later in the story, I didn’t fuck sweet Calem. Actually, we slept Lucy and Desi style, with each of us sprawling out on our own twin size bed.

When we last left the story, I agreed to meet the gals from the synagogue at ten pm at Bar and Books. Now, I know I should be trying to do that whole ‘authentic’ Czech experience but first of all, I fucking love Bar & Books in NYC and needed to check out it’s international sister, and secondly, since Prague is so over run by tourists, there is no such thing as anything being ‘authentic’. Well, for 3500 Czech crowns maybe, you can buy something or convince someone to hang out with you.

Heading over to Bar & Books, by myself, was a liberating experience. It was the fist time that I was heading to a bar by myself, unsure whether the people who I was supposed to meet were actually going to live up to their word. Familiar with B&B in NYC, I was expecting to find the bored and lonely business man, eager to exchange the power of his corporate platinum card for my company.

I got dressed up in my usual regalia of femininity: short skirt, impractical heels that defied the cobblestone paths, and a tight booby revealing shirt. Of course, hair impeccably straightened, along with make-up applied with the precision of an under-age gal trying to get into a twenty-one and over club. It’s powerful being a gal, almost enough that is makes up for the disparity in income between men and women.

I walk into the bar and take a quick survey. Unlike its NYC counterpart, it doesn’t really cater to the out of town business man, but instead touristy couples looking for an intimate place to converse and participate in the mating ritual that will lead them back to a hotel room.

I order a martini, and stare at the tv screen playing an old bond movie, and wait for my friends. I got to B&B exactly at ten, and the girls warned me that they were chronically late.

It’s that nervous energy, that makes you do things faster, hoping that your quickened movements will somehow make your time go faster. My impatience just lead me to get drunk faster.

Fifteen minutes later, I was on my second martini.

I went from looking cool and confident, a lone attractive woman sitting at a bar, to mildly pathetic, turning her head around every five minutes, seeing whether it was my friends who walked through the door.

It was ten thirty as I sat contemplating the third drink. If I had drink number three, there is no way I would be able to walk home—and with the hatred for tourists on par with NY’s hatred of walking through the Times Square area during the summer—I would get fucked in a rate. To travel about a mile and half, taxis wanted about $20.

But it was only ten thirty, and I didn’t want to go back to the hotel room and admit defeat, that the wild night in Prague that I hoped for didn’t pan out.

As I’m ordering drink number three, a young, decent looking guy walks over to the bar, and sits a few seats down. In bar patron language, this usually implies that he wants to be by himself, and has no interest in chatting to anyone. But, as lonely as I’d been feeling, sitting at a bar, by myself looking like a lost puppy for her owner each time someone came in, I was going to force this kid to be my friend—even if it was just for drink number three.

And it’s ten forty-five at this point, I’ve given up hope. So much for the traveler’s code, taking care of other fellow traveler’s, “Guys, remember, I’m going there by myself, even if you cant hang out, just stop by anyway, to make sure I wasn’t kidnapped along the way.”

Uh huh.

I find out his name is Henry, a Frenchman who is studying in Oregon, who needed to get out of his hostel, so decided to walk into the first bar he saw.

“You know,” as he’s nearing the end of his drink, “I really want to party tonight. Would you be down to go clubbing after this?”

Now, was it smart to drunkenly ask Henry if he wanted to go out ‘clubbing’, by myself, wearing a short skirt in an unfamiliar city? FUCK YES! Should I ever be trusted to go out to bars by myself? FUCK NO!

As we’re talking about which clubs we’d head out, the gals from the synagogue walk in, apologetic for being an hour late.

“We stopped off to grab some dinner, and we didn’t realize what time it was. Oooh! That drink looks good! What is it?”

I let them each have a sip of my martini, and a simple meeting point was transformed into the first place on our pub/club crawl. And since I am a fast drinker, especially with candy flavored martinis, I order martini number four. While they are on the first one.

“Hey, Shannon, I want you to meet Calem. He was the guy who I was telling you about.”

I look him up and down. My type. Tall, broad, dark hair, and a very cute smile. When he opens his mouth, he’s becomes even more endearing.

“Nice to meet you Shannon.” In a very posh, public school boy accent.

But Calem, is eighteen. He is off limits. I don’t fuck men older than my father nor younger than me.

He had a very arrogant air about him that made it difficult to remember that he was eighteen. It was reminiscent of the NYC I-banker, fueled with confidence of his over-inflated bonus.

We chat. He is in film. Tells wildly entertaining stories about being a production assistant. I tell him about the ad world in NYC. We talk about food, and as I look down to light my cigarette, I notice a pinky ring.

“Dude, what the fuck? You don’t seem like a guido. What’s up with the pinky ring?”

“It’s over one thousand years of family history.”

Oh shit, he’s one of those boys.

Since we’re in Prague, we order a round of absinthe. Now keep in mind, I’ve had four martinis and now a shot of absinthe. I’m a bit drunk.

Around midnight we decide to head over to a lounge around the block to go dancing.

And I’m still drinking. Especially when he’s buying.

“Hey, I want to check out Bombay, come with me!” He says, as he puts his arm around me.

Now, I could say that I was so drunk at this point that I forgot that he was eighteen, but I didn’t. I was playing with him. Keeping the affection going, so I could save my money.

We head over to Bombay, where he proceeds to buy me more alcohol. And where it’s just me and him dancing. But nothing happens. More chat about bullshit, more free drinkage, and a little mild flirtation.

About an hour later we head back over to the bar where everyone else is, keep in mind, I find out on the walk that he didn’t tell anyone where we were going. And of course nobody is there.

“Dude, I’m really fucked up, could you make sure I don’t go home by myself tonight?”

Now, there is a lot of wisdom in hindsight, and since he was eighteen, I didn’t expect to do anything with him because—dude, that’s kinda fucked up. I mean, I was still a virgin at eighteen.

He buys me another drink, and by the end of my vanilla vodka diet-coke, he could have told me he was sixteen, the mock sophistication, the posh accent, and the free drinks put him back onto the market. So, I meet his mild flirtation with the only way I know, dirty dancing and doling out lap dances!

Now, keep in mind, Europe doesn’t have the Spanish and Caribbean influences like the US, they do not know how to dirty dance over there. They all do the white boy Williamsburg bop. The only women who shake their hips are strippers and escorts.

He pulls me, and starts to kiss me. On the couch in this very skeevy lounge.

The place is closing, and they are telling us, not so nicely to, “get a fucking room.”

I can’t bring him back to the hotel, and to be perfectly honest, I really don’t feel like heading home yet.

It’s funny, once you cross that barrier from mutual flirtation to agreement you want to hook-up with someone, body language completely changes. I went from the dominant leader who set the tone of the conversation at B&B to the little girl, who played into the fact that some eighteen year old was able to physically dominant me. As we were leaving, he went for my hand, and I met his touch with falling against his entire body. Allowing his arms to engulf my back, as I snuggled in close.

We go to some pub, and evidently in Prague, everything that doesn’t cater to tourists closes early.

“Dude! Let’s go to a strip club!”

Now, wondering the streets of Prague, looking for a strip club, is not a wise idea. It’s about on par with asking an eighteen yr old horny public school boy on vacation to “take care of you.”

At first we seek out the information somewhat wisely.

As the barman is throwing us out, “Hey, do you know where we could find a strip club?”

Then we get the great drunken idea that, since we were close to the four seasons, maybe the concierge would know!

Let’s think about this right now. Two drunk young kids are walking into the concierge of the four seasons, looking for a strip club at about four am. And no, they had no idea.

But the best place where we asked—an unmarked Benz parked outside of the hotel. We walked up to some dude (I am assuming someone’s driver), knocked on the window—waking him up, to ask him where a strip club was.

He had no fucking clue.

Now this is where my memory gets fuzzy. I think this is where we walk back towards my hotel on Wensselar Square, foraging for food. Now, I could have gone home after the McDonalds. And after the currywurst I had because the McDonalds wasn’t filling enough (that is attractive, making out with some eighteen year old, then stealing his fries—that he bought).

Instead of going to the hotel, I wanted to watch the sunrise over the Charles Bridge. Now, doesn’t that sound romantic? Sharing a sunrise with a new friend—NOT WHEN YOU ARE DRUNK AND TASTING LIKE A QUARTER POUNDER.

It’s six am, and the sun doesn’t rise in Prague for another few hours. And it is fucking cold. I am in a short skirt, and he is dressed in a sweater. We make our way to the bridge, and it’s completely deserted. Actually, it really was a beautiful sight. Except for the fact that I was so fucking cold.

I grabbed him and started shivering into his shoulder.

He tried to kiss me. And it worked for about ten minutes where I turned to him and was like, “Get me into a fucking taxi. I am freezing.”

Surprisingly, we find a taxi within a few minutes, and he tries to act all suave and talk the taxi’s price quote down—which was actually very reasonable by the way.

“Shut the fuck up, that’s a good rate.” I tell him, not wanting to anger the nice man who had a warm car.

Much like an feral kitten, give me some place warm, relatively safe, and I calm down. Poor boy, he probably had no idea what hit him. I snuggled up next to him, and was dozing off in his arms.

The magic was broken at the Charles Bridge. Cold and sobriety can take the momentum out of any potential hook up.

We get to his hostel, and he sneaks me upstairs to his room.

“Do you have a pair of sweats I could borrow, and where is the extra bed?”

Exactly what every man wants to hear, when he brings a girl home.